Is Matrix cruelty-free and vegan?
No Matrix is not cruelty-free; they allow their products to be tested on animals. Matrix sells its products in the People’s Republic of China, where animal testing is compulsory. Their products can be subjected to routine animal testing if a complaint is made about it. Matrix products are also not 100 percent vegan, as some of them contain animal-derived ingredients.
Matrix Essentials is a cosmetics company that specializes in hair care products like texturizers and hair color products. It is owned by L’Oreal and has about 1000 employees.
They are headquartered in Solon, Ohio, in the United States. However, their education departments, human resource, marketing, and finance work are done at L’Oreal headquarters in New York.
Is Matrix cruelty-free?
No, they are not. A little while back, customers had no way of figuring out the cruelty-free status of a product; all they could rely on was the company’s official statement.
These were very few and sometimes inaccurate or misleading. Today, however, determining the cruelty-free status of a brand is relatively easy.
The company has to meet the following criteria to be considered cruelty-free:
- None of their ingredients, formulations, or final products are tested on animals
- The ingredients used in their products should be free from animal-based sources
- They do not allow third-parties and suppliers to test their products on animals on their behalf
- The company does not sell its products in stores in the People’s Republic of China
- They do not sell in any country where the law demands animal testing
After researching and analyzing the brand and its products, we found out that some Matrix products contain animal-derived ingredients hence not vegan.
The company allowed their products to be tested on animals in countries where the law demands animal testing for them to be sold there.
Are Matrix products tested on Animals?
Matrix claims that they do not test their ingredients or final products on animals anywhere. Their parent company L’Oreal also claims not to promote animal testing on their products.
However, the company will test its products on animals when the law or a regulatory body requires them to; this is done to determine their safety.

They allow animal testing on their products. The above statement means that they let their products be tested on animals if required.
Are Matrix products sold in China?
Yes, Matrix products are sold in China. For products to be sold in the People’s Republic of China, they have to be tested on animals to ensure they are safe for humans.
It is done even though there are alternative methods of ensuring their safety.
Chinese authorities can even take their products off the shelf for post-testing when a complaint is made against the product. Even though many countries have banned animal testing policies, China stills cling to it.
Many cosmetic companies have refused to sell their products in China because of their harsh animal laws.
However, Matrix is not among them; they allow their products to be tested on animals just to profit even though innocent animals are suffering.
Does Matrix have Cruelty-Free Certifications?
It is doubtful that Matrix has any cruelty-free certifications given that they allow their product to be tested on animals. They are on the ‘companies that test on animals’ list on PETA’s Website.

We could not find any well-known cruelty-free organization that has certified Matrix.
Does Matrix have a company?
Yes, Matrix is owned by L’Oreal. L’Oreal is a personal care cosmetics company that was founded on 30 July 1909. It is among the largest cosmetics companies in the world.
The company was founded by Eugene Schueller and is headquartered in Clichy, France.
L’Oreal is not cruelty-free even though they claim to be. The company claims to support animal welfare and that they do not test their ingredients or products on animals.
L’Oreal also claims to be at the forefront of animal testing; however, they allow their products to be tested on animals in countries that demand it, like China. The following is a statement from their website:

Are Matrix products Vegan?
For a product to be considered vegan, their formulations, ingredients, or final products have to be free from animal-derived ingredients, including beeswax and honey.
Vegan-friendly products are also cruelty-free, as getting ingredients from animals is a form of animal cruelty.
Matrix is not 100 percent vegan as some of their products contain animal-derived ingredients. Whenever you are purchasing any product, look for the ingredients list on the products.
Some companies, however, do not provide their ingredients list, so look them up online. You should also look for certifications from well-known animal rights organizations.
Matrix is a cosmetics company that is known for its hair products. L’Oreal owns it. The company is headquartered in Ohio. They allow for their products to be tried on animals.
Matrix products are sold in the People’s Republic of China, where animal testing is compulsory. Some cosmetics companies refuse to sell their products in China because this law Matrix is not one of them.
They prefer profit over the welfare of animals.