Is Tide Cruelty-Free and Vegan?

Quick Answer: Is Tide Cruelty-Free and Vegan?

No, the Tide brand is not cruelty-free nor it is 100% Vegan. The company tests its products and ingredients on animals. Additionally, the brand sells its products in places like China, where animal testing is mandated by law. It is also not a vegan brand. It is not certified by any of the reliable anti-cruelty bodies, such as PETA or Leaping Bunny.

The Tide brand was founded over 7 decades ago to help people around the world do their laundry with high-quality detergents and similar products.

Tide is a brainchild of the P&G Company, as the creator of the brand was a P&G scientist.

The product was launched in 1947 and is the leading laundry detergent brand in the United States. The company specializes in making liquid soaps, detergents, and cleaning agents.

Source: Tide Website

Many of our readers have asked us to confirm whether Tide is cruelty-free and vegan.

We have carried out a thorough analysis of the brand and all its products to give you the correct answer as to whether this brand is cruelty-free. Is Tide cruelty-free and vegan? Keep reading to find out the details.

Is Tide Cruelty-Free?

The term cruelty-free means different things to different people. The term “cruelty-free” is unregulated. This means any brand can claim to be cruelty-free without breaking the law, even if they test on animals.

To us, cruelty-free satisfies the three following criteria, which we will analyze one by one:

  • None of the brand’s products should be tested on animals. Neither the company nor its suppliers must test on animals at any product development stage, pre-market or post-market.
  • They should not test on animals even when required by law. Even if there is a legal requirement for animal testing, it still must not perform these tests, nor can it pay a third party to test on its behalf.
  • The brand’s products should not be sold in China. The company must not sell its products in mainland China or any other country that enforces animal testing.

In this post, we will consider each of these criteria and see how Tide compares.

Are Tide Products Tested On Animals?

Yes, Tide products are tested on animals. The company certainly carries out animal testing and even has third-party companies that help them carry out this testing.

Source: P&G Website

Does Tide Test Their Products On Animals When the Law Requires Them To?

Yes, Tide carries out animal testing when the law requires them to. This involves when they are selling their products in countries that require this testing by law.

They also allow animal testing from third parties. If a country’s law requires animal testing, this doesn’t stop Tide from selling its products in the country.

Does Tide Sell Its Products In China?

Yes, there is a reason why Tide is the highest-selling detergent brand in the world. It covers several markets across the globe, including the Chinese market.

Owned by Procter & Gamble, which has a huge influence on the Chinese market, Tide is one of its best-selling products in China.

China makes pre-market animal testing of imported cosmetics compulsory. Also, at any stage, animal testing can be performed on products that receive customer complaints.

Tide’s parent company, P&G, has strong roots in China and tests all the products in the country.

The only exception to this regulation is online purchases – where imported goods are delivered directly to the consumer. Therefore, any brand currently selling through retail outlets in China is not cruelty-free.

Does Tide Have Cruelty-Free Accreditations Or Certifications?

No, the brand is not a cruelty-free company. Therefore, it does not have any certifications or accreditations from reliable anti-animal cruelty bodies like PETA or Leaping Bunny.

Is Tide’s Parent Company Cruelty-Free and Vegan?

Tide is owned by P&G, which is known for many things, but they are not known to be cruelty-free. The brand tests its products and ingredients on animals.

However, it claims to only do this testing when it is required by law.

Source: P&G Website

The company also sells in China.

Source: P&G Website

Is Tide Vegan?

To qualify as vegan, Tide products must not contain any animal parts or anything derived from animals. We have assessed the brand on these criteria and found that not all Tide products are free of animal by-products.

Tide is not 100% vegan, meaning most of their products contain ingredients derived from animals or their by-products.

Some of the vegan products from the brand include:

  • Tide Purclean Liquid
  • Tide Eco-Box Purclean


Tide is one of the biggest manufacturers of cleaning detergents in the world. It is owned by P&G. It is not a cruelty-free brand, as the products are tested on animals whenever this is required by the law.

It has a vegan collection of products, but many of the products contain some animal products.