Cruelty-Free Brands Today – Detailed List

Here is our list of Cruelty-free brands.

We go through each and every company, research, and collect information to arrive whether it is Cruelty-free or not.

This is an ongoing process and as we keep reviewing more and more brands, this list keeps getting updated.

You can easily look for a more detailed review of the brands by clicking on the name!

There are a few points regarding this list –

  • The brand may be cruelty-free but may be owned by a parent which is not cruelty-free. These brands are also included in the list.
  • In case of insufficient evidence to show the brand is cruelty-free, we have considered it to be NOT cruelty-free
  • There are brands, which are 100% vegan on the list. Those have been mentioned alongside. We have not included the ones which are partially vegan.
  • This list is dynamic – both in terms of brands and in terms of their status as cruelty-free

Last Updated in
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We spend a lot of time researching and analyzing the info from reliable sources to ascertain the cruelty-free and vegan status of brands. Write to us if you believe, there needs to be some correction in the list. We will for sure look into it.